25 Gorgeous Plants to Grow Indoors

#Gorgeous | 25 Gorgeous Plants to Grow Indoors for Any Space in Your Home Folks, you need
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Spiced parsnip soup
#SpicedParsnip | A velvety, root veg soup is ideal for a chilly evening when you want something quick, easy and filling. This parsnip number is spiced with garam masala and paprika

Green cannellini minestrone with ricotta dumplings
#RicottaDumplings | A riot of all things green and nutritious, from spinach to sugar snap peas and cavolo nero. There are cheesy dumplings on top too, for a touch of indulgence

A Basement Garden Chapter 5 Companion Planting
#Garden | It’s been an interesting learning experience, examining the viability of growing a basement garden. I hope you’ve enjoyed this journey with me and have been inspired as I’ve been. This Basement Garden series has gone through the whats and whys of gardening. Now it’s time to consider the key ingredient for any garden: the plants. […]

Know these symptoms of a brain with a traumatic brain injury TBI
#Brain | A student with a traumatic brain injury may have numerous symptoms. Loads of symptoms. If a person is hit while playing a sport, such as boxing, football, or hockey, there is always the possibility…


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