Video a Perseverancea returns first images from Mars in HD #Images

#Images | Images include moments before the rover touched down on the planet’s surface.
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Apple updating the subscription sheet in iOS 14 5 with clearer pricing and trial information
#Apple | Last week we shared a concept that explored ways Apple could improve the subscription sheet in iOS to help customers better understand what they’re signing up for. The issues with the subscription sheet have been a hot topic lately amongst the community. But tonight the developer behind Launch Center Pro, David Barnard has pointed out […]

Researchers Release Improved 3D Models Made From Tourists Photos
#Release | Advancements on the original program have resulted in noticeably superior 3D models.

How to make wearing your mask more comfortable from doctors who do it every day
#Mask | Here are some affordable and easy tips to help you keep your mask on.

Gina Carano speaks out for first time since being ousted from Star Wars
#StarWars | Gina Carano is speaking out for the first time after Lucasfilm’s Feb. 10 announcement that the company has no plans for her to continue in the Star Wars universe.


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